How to Prevent Liver Disease, Start Now

How to Prevent Liver Disease, Start Now

Liver disease is more at risk in people who lead unhealthy lifestyles. When the liver is severely damaged, liver function can be permanently impaired. Therefore, it is important for you to take several simple steps to prevent liver disease.

The liver is an organ that functions to help the digestive process and cleanse the body of toxic substances. This organ also plays an important role in forming the body’s immune system and the blood clotting process.

When you have liver disease, the function of this organ will be disrupted and can cause serious health problems. That is the reason why it is important for everyone to always maintain their heart health.

Various Causes of Liver Disease

Liver disease can be caused by many things, including:

1. Consuming too much sugar

The liver does need sugar in the form of fructose to produce fat. However, if you consume too much sugar, this can cause fat to accumulate in the liver and increase the risk of liver disease called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Read More : How to Treat Liver Disease Naturally and Medically

2. Being overweight

Apart from excess sugar, obesity or being overweight can also increase the risk of fat accumulation in the liver. If not treated properly, obesity can cause serious liver damage, including cirrhosis.

A person can become obese if they consume high-calorie foods or drinks too often and contain lots of sugar and trans fat or saturated fat. These foods can include fried foods, cakes, ice cream, fast food and fizzy drinks.

3. Excess fat-soluble vitamins

Excessive intake of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K, can cause these vitamins to accumulate in the body and trigger poisoning. This condition can cause damage to the liver.

Ideally, the recommended daily intake of vitamin A for adults is around 600-700 micrograms, vitamin D and vitamin E is 15 micrograms, and vitamin K is 55 micrograms.

4. Use of non-sterile needles

Liver disease, such as hepatitis, can occur due to hepatitis virus infection, for example hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses. This infection generally occurs due to the use of non-sterile needles or sharing with other people.

Apart from that, the hepatitis virus can also be transmitted through physical contact with patients who are exposed to the virus, exposure to body fluids of hepatitis patients, such as blood, saliva, urine, and through risky sexual relations, namely unprotected sex and frequently changing partners.

5. Side effects of drugs

Almost all the medicines you consume will be processed in the liver. If the dose of medication consumed is too high or used for too long, this could risk causing side effects in the form of impaired liver function.

Therefore, you need to read the instructions for using the medicine carefully and take the medicine according to the doctor’s recommendations or recommendations.

6. Consuming excessive herbal supplements

The promise of quality herbal or natural supplements still does not guarantee the complete safety of the product. Some herbal supplements that claim to improve liver function have not been medically proven.

On the other hand, some herbal medicines, such as cascara, chaparral, comfrey, kava, and ephedra, can actually harm the liver. So, you should be careful when taking herbal supplements, especially if you suffer from certain diseases.

How to Prevent Liver Disease

Because liver function is so important for your body’s health and life, it is appropriate that this organ is always kept healthy. To prevent liver disease and maintain the health of this organ, you can do the following tips:

  • Maintain an ideal body weight by limiting calorie intake and exercising regularly.
  • Consume balanced nutritious food and stay away from alcoholic drinks.
  • Use condoms when having sex and avoid changing sexual partners.
  • Get immunization to protect the liver, namely hepatitis B vaccination.
  • Take medication according to the dosage. Consult a doctor if you want to take herbal supplements along with medication.
  • Stay away from drugs, especially injection drugs that are used with other people. Also avoid using non-sterile needles.
  • Use personal protective equipment, such as masks, long-sleeved clothing and gloves, and make sure the room has good ventilation when spraying chemical liquids, such as household cleaners, insecticides, fungicides and paint.

Apart from that, it is also important for you to have regular health checks or medical check-ups at the doctor to ensure that liver function remains good.

A liver that is seriously ill can be permanently damaged so that it cannot return to normal health. That is why it is important for you to always maintain liver health and take the various steps to prevent liver disease above.

If you are a person at high risk of developing liver disease or are already experiencing symptoms of liver disease, such as yellow skin and eyes, swollen stomach, fatigue, or frequent infections, immediately consult a doctor to undergo an examination and receive appropriate treatment.

Read More : Various Liver Functions You Need to Know

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